lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Practicing for PEt test

Hello everyone, after a long time without writting to you I have to talk to you about a practicing test I just did.

This practice is ment to prepare us for the final exam that's called PET, it's made of a lot of little test that see how are you doing in your english capacities.

Pet evaluates your skills on reading, listening, vocabulary, and language, all of this in the correct english form. 

In my case I just realice that I have some problems in some of this areas. I think my biggest problems were in the language part and also in the second part of the listening section that's were I`ve got the lowest scores.
but the good part is that I got complete score in the reading part, I guess that this is because this part is the one that we most practice in classes and in general life when we got to be in front og english words.

I hope I can improve the parts where I have problems from here to the end of this englis course, otherwise I'll have to do this level of english again :(. 

I wish you ghad better luck than I!

3 comentarios:

  1. The best way to improve on your listening is by doing exactly that, listen the english lenguage more often :)

  2. Which was your score on the vocabulary thing? My worst part was the writing one :(

  3. My score on the letter activity was horrible! I had negative numbers xD
