lunes, 29 de octubre de 2012

Chilean character

I don't know if there really is a greatest Chilean of all times, if I had to choose I cuoldn't pick one in special, could you? 
Maybe if it's a character it wolud be easier to choose one because it's fiction, but in reality I don't think  there is one that overcomes all the others persons.
After saying that, so I can have something to talk about in this entrance of my blog I will choose a fiction character.
So... one of the greatest would be for me "Profesor Rosa" :)
Now, I know that his profile has changed from the show that he maid in my childhood.

I´ve already talk about his show made for childs in the previous course of english because I think it´s a really good character and tipicaly chilean for us that got to see him in those programs and now see him in another area of tv programs, like "Mentiras Verdaderas" on it fridays special called "Viernes Sin Censura" 

He started doing childs programs  but after a forbidden video he started toguether with Guru guru and Don Carter doing adults shows and programs, but now everyone of them work on their own.

I don´t know if he´s really like an important chilean person, but at least for me when I was a child he was :B

If I fet to see hime again, this time like a journalism student I would ask him if he doesn´t miss the program that he made for childs, the animals investigation and the blackboard where he draw animals and get childrens learning about the animal world in a fun way. Something that now in our country doesn´t exist.

I hope you remember him too :)

lunes, 22 de octubre de 2012

Practicing for PEt test

Hello everyone, after a long time without writting to you I have to talk to you about a practicing test I just did.

This practice is ment to prepare us for the final exam that's called PET, it's made of a lot of little test that see how are you doing in your english capacities.

Pet evaluates your skills on reading, listening, vocabulary, and language, all of this in the correct english form. 

In my case I just realice that I have some problems in some of this areas. I think my biggest problems were in the language part and also in the second part of the listening section that's were I`ve got the lowest scores.
but the good part is that I got complete score in the reading part, I guess that this is because this part is the one that we most practice in classes and in general life when we got to be in front og english words.

I hope I can improve the parts where I have problems from here to the end of this englis course, otherwise I'll have to do this level of english again :(. 

I wish you ghad better luck than I!

lunes, 1 de octubre de 2012

First day at the university

Well, this time I will talk with all of you about my first day at the university.

It was here, in the ICEI in 2010. A strange beginning of semester because of the earthquake that shocked us the twenty seventh of February and that put us a mark because there wasn’t Cartagua that year :/.

After some difficulties in the beginning of the year we finally started classes the third week of April and they were really strange, at least for me because you don´t really know who is going to teach you or how they are going to treat you in classes and in the evaluations.At least in my school we all knew each other so it was comfortating, but in this place everything was new.

So, the first day was strange in the classes, but not in the breaks because our generation of journalism made a reunion before we started classes. Around March to most of us, around 40, came to the reunion without knowing each other and to get to knew at least our names ajajja.At least in that part it wasn’t so strange because I saw familiar faces in some of the classes and after it, in the breaks we were all reunited to take a cup of coffee and try to get that sleeping face away.

I have to say at first I was out of place and felt really uncomfortable in the classes, but after it I got to speak with a lot of nice people, but I don’t specially remember with who I was talking to on my first day of university.

I remember drinking a lot of coffee and feeling overwhelm with all the books that I had to read, but after those first days of uncertainty everything went better than expected.