martes, 22 de mayo de 2012

A sweet photography

This is one of the few photographs where I´m supposedly look sweet(but I keep thinking it´s a lie). In this opportunity I´m next to one of my friends at the university, Carolina =)

I´m not sure who took this picture, but I think that it was a career mate, Vicky. She took it while  we were doing a work for the photography class. we took it few weeks ago.

In this picture Caro and I were talking about something without much relevance (I guess), at the university campus, or something that wasn´t relative to the work we had to do. Also you can see that it was freezing because we´re wrapped up.

I like this photography because I love to take pictures with my closest friends and I think that it´s a really sweet and happy one, It makes me remember the fun times we have together. Usually I think that I´m not a photogenic person, but I only like how I look in this one because we´re really happy and having a great time.

viernes, 11 de mayo de 2012

Tips at the university

1- Have a lot of patient.When you get in the university, especially in the ICEI you have to be a patient person and don´t get upset for having to wait to your teachers or in Secretaría de estudios.

2- Always carry your TUI. This is the university card for students and if you´re a student at Juan Gomez Millas campus, with your TUI you can entry at any time and go anywhere inside the campus.

3.- Have lunch at the ICEI´s cafeteria. When you´re hungry at the university, you must go to the best place to have food in all Juan Gomez Millas, the ICEI´s cafeteria. Here you can find a lot of menus. including vegetarian lunches.

Paula Fredes and Valentina Toledo 

viernes, 4 de mayo de 2012

Profesor Rosa

Hello! this time I will talk about a personal subject again, in this case, my favorite film or tv serie.

Now I don´t really have a favourite TV serie or a favourite movie that a cuold watch over and over, but when I was a child I liked very much a children´s tv serie called "El mundo del profesor Rosa" (in honor of  the name of the show I´ll use pink letters).

This tv show had four characters or actors: a teacher, called Profesor Rosa, a giant bird ( that really was a men in a costume) under the name of Guru Guru, a mailman called Don Carter and the pianist, Tío Valentín.

I don´t remember the first time a saw it, but I do remember that I always liked this tv serie because of the humor in it and also this show had a educative section, where they teach you abuot animasl and wild life.

Now, the show have another formta, now it´s focus on adults and cover other subjects that now on my twenty years are really interesting for me.

Down here I will put a photo of some of the characters so you can remember them.