lunes, 19 de noviembre de 2012

The last post in 2012

In this moment I'm doing my last post of the year because this english class is ending:(

I really enjoy this english class that's the last course of english levels in the Universidad de Chile.

I think that there is always something new to learn and that always will be usefull, specially in english, that is an universal language.

In my universitary life thi is my second course of english, because when I got to the university I did the english test and it results on me in the third level, so I started to take the misssing course the first semester of this year and now I'm finishing qith this subject.

Like last semester, in this one we used the blog like a way of learning english too and I think it's a really usefull way to learn more and to practice wath we already know.

Beside this, there are still some aspects that I have to improve on my personal english, like verbal times and my language, I think that there is were i have my bigger problems, but I'm not shure if they are the only ones I will know it next week at the examns D:
My plan for now to improve my english is practicing more and work alittle harder to solve this problems, thoug I don't think that I can do it fast enough for next week.

I don't use very much my english usually, but lately I've been using it a little more because I have to read press that is in english for a university work I have to do for the end of this semester.
Most of the time, when I use english it's on entertainment web pages.

At last I have to complain about one specific point, the time of the class is awfull, form me it's really late because te two days that we have this class, monday and wednesday, I have long windows between classes :/

Beside this last point, I think this class has been really usefull for me :)

lunes, 12 de noviembre de 2012

The best movie?

I don´t know how can I choose just one movie, but I'll try to do it.
Latelly I've been going a lot to the cinema to watch all kind of movies, but maybe ona of the last ones I saw in the cinema was one of the best I've ever seen.
Now I can only think of "Batman: The dark knight rises"
This is an american movie that I think we all know about. I saw it in the Cinehoyts located in San Agustín, maybe around two weeks after it got to Chile, I don't remember really well.
In this movie, the main character is protagonized by Christian Bale, there are also acting on this movie Anne Hathaway, like the cat woman, Michael Cain, Gary Oldman ( a clasic of the cinema), Marion COtilliard, betweeen others.
This movie belongs to fiction movies and that is one of the reasons why I liked it, because it had a lot of factors and scenes that in another gender couldn't be there, like action scenes nad some fights, that I have to say I'm not a big fan of, but in this case were perfect for the movie plot.
Batman is a saga, and in this part of it (the last one) mencions the end of his story, it tells us about the last return of Batman to Gotham and the troubles he has to overcome to save his city one more time, but in this part of the thriology, in the company of the cat woman.
I enjoyed it because it's the end of a time, and it was a really good way(form me) to solve wath finally happened in this superhero's life.
Here I put a video so you can understan better of wath I'm talking about :) 

lunes, 5 de noviembre de 2012

Elections fraud

I have to admit I went to vote nine days ago but I`m not really shure if this affects in any way the results of my borough because my candidate only got an eight porcent of the votes, so maybe I`m a little desapointed in that way, but looking it from another position I`m really glad that Sabat is finally aout of where I live and we can got rid of his bullies.
I voted because I really wanted and still want a change in the borough where I live, that is Ñuñoa, and perhaps the only way of doing that is trough voting.

 After voting I felt really well because I always tought that it cuold be usefull for something the fact of voting, so I felt really well at the moment and really eager for the results that, especially in the place I live, was really tight.
 I don´t really like our political system but dough it's the only one we have we have to try to do something with what we have.

Y spect the fact that so many people didn't vote on this municipal elections, I think the most of us did espect it but never dimensioned the magnitud that it will be.
I hope that in the presidencials elections there will be more interested people in voting and we get the oportunity to make a change in this country once for all.
Besides, with the change of the ministers I think that desapointed us all, so maybe the people will feel eaven less represented for the politics of Chile.